The My Site of [user name] is scheduled for deletion

The My Site of [user name] is scheduled for deletion. As their manager you are now the temporary owner of their site. This temporary ownership gives you access to the site to copy any business-related information you might need. To access the site use this URL:

After a manger forwarded me this email, I realized we had a configuration problem in our environment.

The problem was we had our LDAP Active Directory (AD) import configured to import all users regardless of their status. So, when the user was deleted from AD the manager received the email and was unable to see the My Site.

To fix the problem I updated the LDAP Search Filter to:

(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)( !(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))

Now the import will only grab active users from AD. This is allows plenty of time for the manager to look that users My Site before it is deleted.

In my case, we disable users in AD then sixty days later they are deleted from AD. Once deleted from AD the My Site will be deleted from SharePoint following the next FULL import of user profiles.

Where do I edit the LDAP Search Filter?
Shared Services Administration: [Your SSP Name] > User Profile and Properties > Manage Connections

8 thoughts on “The My Site of [user name] is scheduled for deletion

  1. Hi, does that mean the passing the control to Manager is out of box in the sharepoint.
    Will you be able to share your exp.

  2. Sandeep,

    You are correct, IF the user has a manager in AD, that manager will receive the email and control of the site.

  3. Hi all,
    it sounds like a joke!
    When did you receive such a message for the first time? We got it on 30.01.2010, at the same time you posted this text. Only furtuity? Or is this all created by mall code?
    Thanks Joachim

  4. I think he means malicious code?

    Anyway I got one for the first time today, and the user wasn’t even deleted or disabled 🙁

    I have no idea what caused it, yet apparently people expect the Sharepoint admin to magicially know everything Sharepoint does, why it does it, how it does it, and how it can be controlled… *sigh*

    Thanks for the extra work-hours, Microsoft…

  5. Martin,

    Maybe something changed in AD? This is one error I haven’t had to deal with in a long time!

  6. All well and good, but what about if I want to delete a bunch of user profiles. Is there a way to shut the email notification for MySites off?

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