Use Power Automate to Create Jira Tasks

I’m working on a Power Pages project that requires a Jira service desk task to be created for each portal submission. Out of the box, Jira provides a simple connector to create tasks and requests, but the connect falls short of handling field types other than simple text. This means choice, checkbox, and dropdown fields are not available. This only leaves a couple of options, and I opted to use a simple HTTP action to create the tasks.

Basic overview of what I’ll be creating:
Flow that’s triggered by a dataverse row creation
Create a Jira task and populate metadata
Attach a file to the Jira task

Jira fields and types:
Issue Type – Choice
Request Type – Choice
Tortilla – Choice
Meat – Choice
Veggies – Checkbox multi-select
Number of Tacos – Number
Pickup Date Time – Date and Time
Summary – Text
Attachment – Attachment

Interfacing with the Jira API requires knowing a little about the fields you’ll be updating and the project and issue type you want to use. If you haven’t created one already, you need a Jira API token to work with the API.

Request type:
Go to Project Settings, then look at the URL and copy the value after pid=!default.jspa?pid=10001

With the ID, you can query the service desk request-types endpoint
In the returned payload, note the portal key and key values; combine the two, and you have the request type value tr/9f7c4029-6d23-4cb1-bb8a-02d0050d944b

Project key:
The project key is available on the project settings page, listed under the name field.
Example: TACOS

Issue type:
For simplicity, I’m only dealing with one issue type, and I captured the issueType value using the request-types endpoint noted above.
Example: “issueType”: 10015

For the remaining field values, you can get them in one of two ways.
Create a new issue in the browser, then use the browser developer tools (F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I) to inspect each field’s HTML value.

The other option is to click the gear icon (top right), select Issues, click on Custom Fields, search for a field, click on it, click Edit detail, and then grab the ID value from the URL. Once the ID is captured, join it with customfield_, resulting in customfield_10073, which is the field’s internal value.

In this example, the summary issue type fields are the only ones that do not have a customfield_X naming convention. It might be possible that some system-generated fields have a different naming convention, but I’ll dig into that another day.

Column Display NameColumn Internal NameColumn Type
Issue Typeissuetypesystem
Request Typecustomfield_10010system
Tortillacustomfield_10073Select List (single)
Meatcustomfield_10074Select List (single)
Number of Tacoscustomfield_10076Number Field
Pickup Date Timecustomfield_10077Date Time Picker

Endpoint URL:
Headers: {“Content-Type”: “application/json”}
Authentication: Raw
Key: Basic aWhddsfadfafa..NOT…A…REAL…KEY..dafdfdafd=
Example payload:

  "fields": {
    "project": {
      "key": "TACOS"
    "customfield_10010": "tr/9f7c4029-6d23-4cb1-bb8a-02d0050d944b",
    "summary": "Taco order summary",
    "issuetype": {
      "id": "10015"
    "customfield_10073": {"value": "Flour"},
    "customfield_10074": {"value": "Chicken"},
    "customfield_10075": [{"value": "Pico"},{"value": "Grilled Veggies"}],
    "customfield_10076": 2,

View of the task in Jira

How do you attach a file to a Jira task using Power Automate?
Attaching a file to a Jira task requires one more API call, and it’s simple!

Endpoint URL:
Headers: {“X-Atlassian-Token”: “no-check”}
Authentication: Raw
Key: Basic aWhddsfadfafa..NOT…A…REAL…KEY..dafdfdafd=

Example payload:

  "$content-type": "multipart/form-data",
  "$multipart": [
      "headers": {
        "Content-Disposition": "form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=@{outputs('Get_file_properties')?['body/{FilenameWithExtension}']}"
      "body": @{body('Get_file_content')}

I’m getting a file from SharePoint and passing its contents to the API call for the attachment. The same thing works with Azure blob storage or grabbing a file from the dataverse. If you want to attach more than one file, create additional HTTP attachment calls.

Here’s a simple overview of the Flow:

Parse JSON schema:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "type": "string"
        "key": {
            "type": "string"
        "self": {
            "type": "string"