How to use an iFrame in a modern SharePoint Online page

Using the Embed web part I was trying to paste in a site URL when I should have been using the iFrame HTML tag.


<iframe src="" height="200" width="300"></iframe>

If you encounter this error: This website doesn’t support embedding using just the address ….

You will need to update the HTML Field Security settings in the Site Settings area of your site. In my case, I simply added to the allow iframes from this domain list, then updated the web part again.

6 thoughts on “How to use an iFrame in a modern SharePoint Online page

  1. Unfortunately this is not working in our environment. When using an iFrame the referenced HTML file is beeing downloaded (!) instead of embedding it into the SharePoint-Page. Very peerie of eyes!

  2. That I don’t know, I’m currently using an iFrame in a modern SP page to display a fairly robust search experience, and no one has reported any issues returning data. Please let me know what you find!

  3. Hi, I have an issue with the embed webpart in SharePoint. I am trying to embed a page from our website into a SharePoint page. The website has a cookie pop up. When I accept the Cookies inside the SharePoint page the page refreshes but the cookie popup does not dissappear. Does anyone have any solutions to this? Can you auto accept cookies when opened in SharePoint? any help much appreciated. I want to use an Teams App for our intranet so I want the user to be able to stay in SharePoint/Teams instead of the link to the webpage opening in a browser tab outside of Teams.

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