Password Complexity Page using Azure B2C and Power Pages

Currently working on a project, and my UX team asked if it was possible to change the look of the B2C sign-up / password change page to include visual hints to meet the password complexity requirements. We’ve all seen it before, you visit a site where you need to sign up, and the password needs to be X characters long and contain this and that, but some sites include a cute visual to help identify what requirements have been met.

image borrowed from jQuery Script

Articles and blog posts I used to get this working:
1. Customize the Azure AD B2C user interface for portals
2. Enable JavaScript and page layout versions in Azure Active Directory B2C
3. JS Password Validation
4. Customize the look and feel of your Azure AD B2C page

If you read the B2C documentation, it’s strongly noted not to use JS libraries outside of the libraries native to B2C. I opted to keep my solution as simple as possible to avoid additional security gaps.

To get this working, I followed the steps outlined in link 1. There I created all of the needed assets in the Portal Management section of the Power Pages environment. Next, I used the content from link 3 to update the Web Template that I created in the previous step. After that, I updated the Web Template to include the div noted in link 4; this is extremely important and can’t be skipped. The last part of the process is to update the B2C user flow policy to reference the page created in step 1.

Here is a copy of my Web Template file from Portal Management.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      /* Style all input fields */
      input {
        width: 100%;
        padding: 12px;
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        border-radius: 4px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        margin-top: 6px;
        margin-bottom: 16px;

      /* Style the submit button */
      input[type="submit"] {
        background-color: #04aa6d;
        color: white;

      /* Style the container for inputs */
      .container {
        background-color: #f1f1f1;
        padding: 20px;

      /* The message box is shown when the user clicks on the password field */
      #message {
        display: none;
        background: #f1f1f1;
        color: #000;
        position: relative;
        padding: 20px;
        margin-top: 10px;

      #message p {
        padding: 10px 35px;
        font-size: 18px;

      /* Add a green text color and a checkmark when the requirements are right */
      .valid {
        color: green;

      .valid:before {
        position: relative;
        left: -35px;
        content: "✔";

      /* Add a red text color and an "x" when the requirements are wrong */
      .invalid {
        color: red;

      .invalid:before {
        position: relative;
        left: -35px;
        content: "✖";
 <!--this div is the most important part of the process--> 
   <div id="api"></div>
    <div id="message">
      <h3>Password must contain the following:</h3>
      <p id="letter" class="invalid">A <b>lowercase</b> letter</p>
      <p id="capital" class="invalid">A <b>capital (uppercase)</b> letter</p>
      <p id="number" class="invalid">A <b>number</b></p>
      <p id="length" class="invalid">Minimum <b>8 characters</b></p>
      var myInput = document.getElementById("password");
      var letter = document.getElementById("letter");
      var capital = document.getElementById("capital");
      var number = document.getElementById("number");
      var length = document.getElementById("length");

      // When the user clicks on the password field, show the message box
      myInput.onfocus = function () {
        document.getElementById("message").style.display = "block";

      // When the user clicks outside of the password field, hide the message box
      myInput.onblur = function () {
        document.getElementById("message").style.display = "none";

      // When the user starts to type something inside the password field
      myInput.onkeyup = function () {
        // Validate lowercase letters
        var lowerCaseLetters = /[a-z]/g;
        if (myInput.value.match(lowerCaseLetters)) {
        } else {

        // Validate capital letters
        var upperCaseLetters = /[A-Z]/g;
        if (myInput.value.match(upperCaseLetters)) {
        } else {

        // Validate numbers
        var numbers = /[0-9]/g;
        if (myInput.value.match(numbers)) {
        } else {

        // Validate length
        if (myInput.value.length >= 8) {
        } else {

The idea behind this was to keep it as simple as possible and to get a basic example created. Yes, you can store the file in blob storage, but I wanted to keep all portal parts close together and avoid added complexity. (not that creating this page in Portal Management was easy)

Power App Portal and Azure B2C

This post is a mental brain dump of the issues I encountered when configuring Azure B2C in a new Power App Portal or Power Pages environment.

Error when trying to login via B2C:
Page not found
Open the Site Settings, filter the page to only display settings for the Website you are working with, then search for: authentication/openidconnect/

You will see all of the items related to the B2C items you set up on the front end. I’ve noticed, for whatever reason, that the settings don’t always sync with the backend.

To fix the Page not found error I switched Authentication/OpenIdConnect/AAD-B2C_1/RegistrationEnabled to true . Open the portal in a new private browser and try logging in again.

Power App Portal authentication settings not syncing.
If you create a new B2C user flow and want to update your portal settings, save yourself time and open your portal site settings, search for authentication/openidconnect/ and update the setting there. For some reason, updating portal settings in the settings page don’t always sync to the backend.

Failed to create/update site setting for default provider.
If you get this error, try setting a different provider as the default, then try your original selection again.

If you log in via B2C and see this, check the setting in the screenshot, and purge your cache.
Registration is disabled
Invalid sign-in attempt.