Build Your Own ChatGPT-Style App Using Power Automate and Power Apps

Just for fun, I wanted to see how I could replicate a basic ChatGPT like experience using the tools available to me in the Power Platform. I will cover setting up the Power Automate flow to interface the OpenAI completions endpoint using GPT-4 Turbo and a Power App for the UI. In a future post, I will create another flow(s) to work with the Assistants API and take this to the next level.

A quick look at the app and how it works. The app will keep the chat context active using the completions endpoint until you want to clear it out. Like I said, it’s basic!

Here is what I used to get this up and running:
Power App
Power Automate flow with the HTTP connector
OpenAI account
OpenAI API key (credit card required)

Here is the layout of the flow and Power App

The key for this to work and keep the context of the conversation flowing is to pass all of the previous questions and responses back to the API each time a new question is asked. Yes, that can start to add up in terms of burning a lot of tokens for a large chat.

The input is converted to the following format and passed to the API using the app.
role: user
content: question asked
The response from the API is the same.
role: assistant
content: response from the API
Using the two, the collection is built and displayed in a gallery.

Power App setup
ButtonQuestion OnSelect property does the following:
Set the button text
Set the varQuestion variable to the value of TextInputQuestion
Add the question and user role to the colResponses collection
Convert the colResponses collection to JSON
Cal the f Get HTTP flow passing in the collection
with the response from the flow, add the value(s) to the colResponses collection
Reset TextInputQuestion
Set the button text

GalleryRespnses properties:
Visible: If(IsBlank(ThisItem.content),false,true)
Text: ThisItem.content
X: If(ThisItem.role = “assistant”,40,5)
AutoHeight: true

Now for the flow! The flow is triggered from the app and passes a value.
Messages: the new question from the app and previous responses and questions (collection)

The Parse JSON action will take the Messages input and shape the JSON used in the Select Messages action.

The Select Messages action will use the output of the Parse JSON action to help form the correct input for the HTTP action.

Using a Compose action, the model and messages values are set. Note: in the example, I’m using GPT 4 Turbo preview.

The HTTP Request action uses the following values:
Method: Post
“Content-Type”: “application/json”,
“Authorization”: “Bearer @{outputs(‘Compose_API_Key’)}”
Body: output of the Compose Message Body

Another Parse JSON action is used to handle the response from the HTTP Request.

In the Select Response action, the output of Parse JSON Response is used to populate the role and content values.

The final action is to respond to the Power App. The respond to PowerApp step will not work if you use the dynamic content value to populate the response. You must use this expression: outputs(‘Select_Response’)

Again, if data is not sent back to the Power App, chances are you missed the sentence before this one.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, this is a basic example. If you see anything wrong with the process or places where it could be streamlined, please let me know.

Effortlessly Trigger a Flow from a Power App: A Simple Step-by-Step Example

In this post, I want to show how easy it is to call a Flow from a Power App. The goal of the Power App is to pass values to the Flow, have it add them together, and return a result.

Starting from the Power Apps portal
click Create –> Blank app, Black canvas app, name the app, for the format option, select tablet, then click Create button.

Power App overview:

Field TypeField NameOption
Text InputTextInputOneFormat: Number
Text InputTextInputTwoFormat: Number

Flow overview:
The Flow can be created directly in the Power App designer or the Power Platform portal. For this example, I’m going to use the portal.

Click on New flow and select Automated cloud flow

Click the Skip button at the bottom of the window (this will make sense in a min.)

With the Flow designer open, click PowerApps or search for it, then click on PowerApps (V2)

In this step, add two number inputs to the action

I named my number inputs as follow: inputNumberOne and inputNumberTwo

The Flow will respond to the app using the Repost to a PowerApp or flow action. For the output, again select number, and I named mine outputNumber .

the formula should be: add(triggerBody()[‘number’],triggerBody()[‘number_1’])

Name the Flow as Flow do Math, and save it. You can test the Flow simply by clicking the Test button and supplying two input values. The Flow can be named something different, but this name aligns with the below example.

Back in the PowerApp, click the Power Automate icon.

With the Power Automate window open, click on Add flow and select the newly created Flow, or search for it and select it.

On the app design surface, select the button and update its OnSelect property to:
Set(varNumber, FlowDoMath.Run(TextInputOne.Text,TextInputTwo.Text).outputnumber)

Select the LabelMathResult field and set its Text value to varNumber

Run the app, input values in the text fields, then click the button.

What just happened?

The values of the two text input fields were passed to the Flow, it added them together and returned the value in the outputnumber field; that value was then set to the varNumber variable.

In future posts, I will dive deeper into more complex examples.

Power App and SharePoint List Form Hide Field on New Item Form

How do you hide a field on a PowerApp when opening a new form? The approach below uses a single screen form instead of multiple screens for the various forms.

I started by creating a new SharePoint list and added two text fields:
Not on New Form
On New Form
Using the customize form option, I entered the Power App designer.

When the PowerApp designer opens, it will look like this:

To help see what’s going on with the form mode, add a text label to the form and set its Text property to: "Form Mode: " & Text(SharePointForm1.Mode)

Select the field (Data Card) that should not appear on the new item form, then select the Visible property. For the Visible property, enter the following: If(SharePointForm1.Mode = 1, false, true) . If your SharePointForm1 is named something else, use it instead of the value I presented.

Breaking down the formula a little: If the SharePoint form mode is equal to 1, visible should be false, else true.

Save and publish the app, then check if it’s functional as planned.

New item form with Form Mode: 1

Display item form with Form Mode: 2

Edit item form with Form Mode: 0

Power App Unable to add flow

I was in the process of porting a production Power App to a dev environment, and I ran into this error.

Unable to add flow
There was a problem adding your service. Please try again later.

The problem was that I tried to add an existing Flow to my Power App, but it was turned off.

Navigate to, locate the Flow you are trying to add to the Power App, turn it on, then try adding to the app.