No XsltListViewWebPart was found on this page

Received this error when trying to open a page/List from our disaster recover location.

No XsltListViewWebPart was found on this page

Turned out that I didn’t have the 3rd party solution installed.  Make sure you check that your features and solutions are all installed.


Had this happen again and ended up finding my own post on Google.

The page / view would not load because of the following reasons:

  • Feature on the site was disabled.
  • The view had a custom web part and some java that referenced the feature.


Open the site in SharePoint Designer, navigate to the broken list / library, then edit the view.  *make sure to edit the view in Advanced Mode (look in the ribbon).*

Once you have the view open, look for any web parts or custom code that looks out of place.  In my case, there was an outdated reference in the first line of the code, then a content editor web part that had some inline code.

Once I removed the extra junk, saved my changes, went back to IE and refreshed the page, all was well!

*Update 2*

Received this error when I tried to edit a lookup column.  The column was custom or created by a 3rd party.

To fix the issue, I created a new column, then used PowerShell to copy the contents from BrokenColumn to NewColumn

And then!

Because BrokenColumn was broken, I had to use PowerShell to delete it.

The code below will copy the contents of lookup column to another lookup column.

$cSite = Get-SPweb ""
$cList=$cSite.Lists["Taco List"]

foreach($f in $cList.items)
 $uFrom = $f["BrokenColumn"]

 if($uFrom -ne $null)
$f["NewColumn"] = $f["BrokenColumn"]

This will delete the broken column.

$cSite = Get-SPweb ""
$cList=$cSite.Lists["Taco List"]

foreach($f in $cList.fields)
 $fff = $f.Title
 if($fff -eq "BrokenColumn")

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