Azure Runbook Job Name error: Token request failed..Exception

When you move from a SharePoint on-prem environment to SharePoint Online, you lose the server-side environment you’d normally use to run PowerShell scripts or tasks to interact with SharePoint. In my opinion, and please correct me if I’m wrong, the closest thing to a server-side environment in a cloud environment is Azure Runbooks or Azure Function Apps. I went with Azure Runbooks due to its ability to handle long-running tasks.

The error I recently encountered in my runbook was: runbook name error: Token request failed..Exception . At first, I thought there might be something wrong with the way I was connecting to Keyvault, but that wasn’t it. Next was my connection to SharePoint, this is handled using a SharePoint-generated client ID and secret. Oddly enough, I had just updated this a few months back, so it wasn’t an obvious candidate for a failure point.

I went to my target SharePoint site, created a new set of credentials using siteName/_layouts/15/AppRegNew.aspx and siteName/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx. After creating the credentials, I went back to the runbook and plugged them in, and it worked!

Long story short, if you get this error: Token request failed..Exception try creating a new client ID and secret and see if it helps clear things up.

You can also use this script to test your client id and secret. Connect-PnPOnline | PnP PowerShell

$siteUrl = "https://taco.sharepointonline/sites/burrito"
$testConn = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -AppId "1111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555" -AppSecret "X3tssvCebdl/c/gvXsTACOajvBurrito=" -ReturnConnection
$list = Get-PnPList "Tacos"
Write-Output $list

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