Get Crawl Status Using Powershell

{Edit} I’ve found another way of doing this{/}

Way One:

I needed a way of knowing when a crawl status was set to paused.  Using a combination of Windows Task, Powershell, SharePoint List, and Workflow I was able to come up with a solution.

Process: Windows Task runs every hour (on the server with Central Administration).  This Task runs my Powershell command.  The command checks all my Content Sources for a crawl status of paused. If the status is paused, the command will write an Item to a SharePoint List.  Associated Workflow on the List then sends me an email.

Link to the completed Powershell command: Powershell Crawl Status (you will need to open the file and save it with a .ps1 extension.)

[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c") | out-null

[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c") | out-null

[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c") | out-null

$SITEURL = "http://win-severname"

$spsite = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite ( $SITEURL )
$serverContext = [Microsoft.Office.Server.ServerContext]::Default
$context = [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchContext]::GetContext($serverContext)
$sspcontent = new-object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Content($context)
$sspContentSources = $sspcontent.ContentSources



foreach ($cs in $sspContentSources)

if ($cs.CrawlStatus -eq [Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.CrawlStatus]::Paused)



if ($count -gt 0)


$spweb = $spsite.OpenWeb()
$splist = $spweb.Lists["ListName"];
$items=$splist.get_items() | where { $_.Title -like '*' }

if ($splist.ItemCount -gt 0)
$items | % { $_.Delete() }
$newItem = $splist.Items.Add()
$newItem["Title"] = "NewItem"




How to run a Powershell command from a Scheduled Task.

To run a Powershell command you will need to do the following.

1.In the Actions tab:

a.Click New. The New Action dialog box appears.

2.In Settings, in Program/Script, type:


3.In Add arguments, type the following:

-command “C:\Powershell Crawl Status.ps1”

4.Click OK.

Way Two and the EASY way:

$web = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$web.UseDefaultCredentials = $true

If ($web.DownloadString(“http://craigslistSpam/ssp/admin/_layouts/listcontentsources.aspx”)| select-string “Paused” -CaseSensitive)
$emailFrom = ""
$emailTo = ""
$subject = "testing"
$body = "test email"
$smtpServer = "this can be found in Outlook"
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)




Powershell delete items in a list or library

There might be a better way to accomplish this… but for now this works.  Just needed a way to delete all the items in a list.

$spsite = New-Object -TypeName “Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite” -ArgumentList http://win-vm3$spweb = $spsite.OpenWeb()

$splist = $spweb.Lists[“NameofList”]

$items=$splist.get_items() | where { $_.Title -like ‘*’ }
$items | % { $_.Delete() }




no symbols have been loaded in the document


Windows 7, Visual Studio 2010, SharePoint 2010 installed on desktop.

In Visual Studio 2010 I was not able to set a breakpoint and was shown the error no symbols have been loaded in the document.


Created a new project, but this time I selected to sandbox option.  Even when a breakpoint was set I would still see the error.  Set a breakpoint on my code, clicked Start Debugging (green button), and sure as SH1T, the code stopped on my breakpoint.

failed to create the configuration database

Trying to install SharePoint 2010 on Window 7 and ran into this error.
First, I was using this script to install SharePoint 2010 on my Win7 box.

(make sure you take a look at the Discussions tab.  Ran into a few issues but quickly found solutions on there.

After this, I then hit the failed to create the configuration database error when trying to run the wizard.

Onto another site….

This site outlined all the prerequisiutes needed for a SharePoint 2010 install.

Not 100% sure what I missed, but I download / installed each of these again.


Server SSL Certificate is issued by

Server SSL certificate is issued by a certificate authority that is unfamiliar.

When trying to download from Technet or MSDN I would receive the error above.  After messing around with IE for way too long, I found the issue.

For one reason or another Akamai is/was blocked at my office.  Microsoft File Transfer Manager appears to connect to other sites to host the files in the Technet or MSDN accounts.


Added the root site that Microsoft File Transfer Manger was trying to connect to in the Safe Sites list in IE.

Added https://*
to the safe sites list in IE.

VMware Player VMwareDnD

Dear VMware,

Please fix the copy/paste function in your VMware Player.  Every time I copy a file from the client to the host, Player will make ANOTHER copy of the file.  This is nice when you are trying to figure out why your host is running out of drive space.

What I have done is create a small batch file that will truncate the VMwareDnD folder on Startup.

1. Create a batch file.

2. In that batch file you will want to provide the path to your VMwareDnD folder.

@echo off
del C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER WHATEVER HERE\AppData\Local\Temp\VMwareDnD\”.” /Q /s >nul
3. Save the file and copy or cut and paste it to here
C:\Users\YOUR COMPUTER WHATEVER HERE\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Event Handler ItemAdded returns null value

use the following code to get the item from ItemAdded Event.

Public Overrides Sub ItemAdded(ByVal properties As SPItemEventProperties)
Using spsSite As SPSite = New SPSite(properties.WebUrl)
Using spwWeb As SPWeb = spsSite.OpenWeb

Dim iSPl As SPListItem

If spwWeb.GetFile(properties.AfterUrl).Exists Then
iSPl = spwWeb.GetFile(properties.AfterUrl).Item

ElseIf spwWeb.GetFolder(properties.AfterUrl).Exists Then
iSPl = spwWeb.GetFolder(properties.AfterUrl).Item
End If

End Using
End Using
End Sub

You must restore to an empty web site

not following the directions caused me to get stuck on this one.

using SharePoint Designer, backup the site you want.

Site –>Administration –>Backup Web Site –> Select a location and save

create an empty site. (this is where i messed up)

to create an empty site do the following:

File –> Web Site –> General –> Empty Web Site –> Enter a site name

Then you will have a empty site to restore to.

Site –>Administration –>Restore Web Site –> Select your backup file –> Click Advanced  (make sure your new empty site name is there) –> Click OK


infopath object reference not set to an instance of an object

using VSTA / codebehind i was getting a object reference not set to an instance of an object error.

turned out i fat-fingered some code.

make sure to check the fields you are referencing.


bad –

Dim sAttchID As XPathNavigator = nav.SelectSingleNode(“/my:theAttachmentLibID“, Me.NamespaceManager)

good –

Dim sAttchID As XPathNavigator = nav.SelectSingleNode(“//my:theAttachmentLibID”, Me.NamespaceManager)